Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Waterpark

Last night we spent the night at a local hotel and waterpark.  Grandma and Grandpa bought us all a package for Christmas and we had a blast!  Claire was beyond excited to spend the night in a hotel and Oliver was amazed by everything he saw!
Claire insisted on wearing her vest while we were there.  She is a total rule follower.  She was directing all the kids on the water slides and was always making sure that everyone was safe.
Oliver was a little hesitant about the water slides but he loved swimming!  Swimming and playing with Owen (or even just being by him) was Oliver's favorite part! Poor Oliver tries so hard to keep up with Claire and Owen!
Grandma loved playing in the water with the kids.
We couldn't keep Grandma off the water slides.
Oliver loved hanging out with Grandpa.
They had two big water slides.  One was slow and the other was fast.  And when I say fast, I  mean FAST!  Us adults were a little freaked out by it!  But the slow slide was perfect for Claire.  She was so happy that she was just tall enough to go on it.  And I mean she was JUST tall enough.  Here she is coming down the slide.  Notice she is backwards.  I think the poor thing just whipped all over the place in that tube!!
Here is Mark coming down the water slide!  Like I said, even the adults loved them!
The hotel itself was exciting for the kids.  They loved running in the long hallways, riding the elevators, and playing on the luggage carts.
We all had adjoining rooms and that worked out perfectly.  We were able to put the kids to bed in our rooms and then we could hang out and have adult time in Kevin and Sara's room.  Grandma loved reading to the kids before bed.
Then the next morning we had a delicious breakfast and then we were back at the waterpark!
Claire told us "This is the best day of my life!!!!" about 78 times.
The kids LOVE playing together and to put them all together anywhere is a blast.  But to put them in a waterpark was heaven!
Even when they were just swimming in the water, they had a blast.
Notice Claire has her vest on.  Yeah...she is only in 1 foot of water.  I love my little rule follower.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for a great Christmas present!  We all had a blast!!!  We love you!!!!


Sara said...

What a fun weekend!!! :) We had a blast!!

Amanda said...

We've been meaning to take the kids to a waterpark this winter. How fun! And so cool that you guys were able to do it with cousins!

amy said...

Love the pics and that Grandma goes on the water slides!!