Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween

Another Halloween has come and gone.  We had another great time Trick or Treating!!
 This year Aunt Jacqie came over right after school to braid Claire's hair for her.  Claire was THRILLED and it came out super cute.  It was the perfect hair do for her costume and for trick or treating.
Then of course, Oliver wanted his hair done too.
The Cappelli family came to join us for Trick or Treating again this year.  After a nice pizza dinner it was time to get our costumes on and head out!  Here is Nicholas in his costume.  He was the perfect little hot dog.
Then the other three suited up and we were ready.  I think we had the cutest Thomas The Train, Ariel, and Leonardo in the world.
Then we tried to get a picture of all the kids.  Nicholas wasn't to happy but he will learn soon enough that Aunt Natalie takes a lot of pictures.
Then it was time to head out!!  Even though it was chilly and a little drizzley we were ready!
And of course Uncle Nick starts the night out right with the huge candy bars that he buys for the kids.
The girls wanted to walk by themselves this year.
They are getting so big!!
When we got home Claire couldn't wait to hold baby Nicholas.  She had been asking the whole night and she finally got her turn.
I can't believe another Halloween is already over!  Now onto Thanksgiving and then CHRISTMAS!!!  I can't wait!!!!!!!

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