Tuesday, September 6, 2011


A few years ago I did a post with all of our goals for the upcoming school year (click HERE to check it out).  I liked it so much I wanted to do it again.

  1. To live a healthy lifestyle. 
  2. To run the half marathon in less than an hour and forty five minutes.
  3. To be a positive influence in the lives of my students.
  4. To buy my wife lots of shiny presents (I added that, but I know he was thinking it).

  1. To make a difference in my students lives EVERYDAY and teach them to be great students as well as great people.
  2. To laugh til I cry everyday (I do that one every year).
  3. To be the best mother I can possibly be and to show my children how amazing they are EVERYDAY!!  I also want them to know how proud they make me each and every day!!
  4. To be a the best wife, mother, friend, and family member that I can  possibly be!

  1. To read so that I can read stories to Oliver and you and Daddy.
  2. To get lots of stickers at school.

  1. Truck.

 Here are just a few of my favorite people at work who make each day a blast!!!  I don't know what I would do without you guys!!
Me and my teamie!  

I hope everyone has a GREAT school year!!!!!!


Amanda said...

Awww, I just got really sad seeing the school pics w/out me in them! We really do have a fun place to work, don't we?

Love the goals!

carrie said...

I got really sad too, but I am happy for your goals! Tell your 12 year old friend I have the same running goal!

Village Living said...

Hope you had a good first day!

Tammy said...

My goal is to get in the school photo next year....

Seriously...I do love your goals as well, especially Oliver's "truck".

amy said...

The school pics made me sad and I still work there! I miss you gius so much down there!